Who is the tribe of naphtali

The full extent of the Canaanite land promised was never acquired, due to the repeated disobedience of the Israelites during the their commanded conquest of this very idolatrous , heathen land, after the Exodus from slavery in Egypt and the following 40 years of Divine punishment wandering in the wilderness, before Joshua and the living descendants were allowed to enter the land, following the death of Moses.

The possession assigned to this tribe is set forth in Josh. It lay in the northeastern corner of the land, bounded on the east by the Jordan and the lakes of Merom and Galilee , and on the north it extended far into Coele-syria , the valley between the two Lebanon ranges. It comprehended a greater variety of rich and beautiful scenery and of soil and climate than fell to the lot of any other tribe. The territory of Naphtali extended to about square miles, being double of that of Issachar.

Of their conduct in the battle that followed, the Song of Deborah says: "Zebulun was a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death, and Naphtali upon the high places of the field" ib. Equally ready were they to rally at the call of Gideon and do valiant service against the Midianites ib. According to I Chron. During the war between Asa of Judah and Baasha of Israel, Ben-hadad of Syria, at the instigation of Asa, invaded and laid waste this district.

Again, in the reign of Pekah this tribe was among the first to feel the iron hand of Assyria and to suffer the deportation of many captives I Kings xv.

In a reference to this incident Isa. One of the famous battles of the Maccabean war was fought near Kedesh-naphtali about B. Its exact origin is uncertain. Nothing is related about Naphtali in the biblical sources except that he had four sons. He gave his name to one of the tribes of Israel. Territory of the tribe of Naphtali. After Y. Aharoni , Lexicon Biblicum, Dvir Co.

Ltd, Tel Aviv, The affiliation of Naphtali to Bilhah testifies to an inferior status, at some period, among the tribes of Israel, as does its position in the listings of the sons of Jacob where it appears in the ninth Deut. These names do not seem to have any connection with settlements, a fact which testifies to their tribal, rather than territorial, origins. This would contradict the view of the German school about the formation of the Israelite tribes.

However, the matter is complicated because of a Gadite family with the same name I Chron. Naphtali's territory was the sixth to be decided by lots at Shiloh in the tribal division of the land. The description in Joshua comprises border points and a list of cities Josh. The western and eastern boundaries are only alluded to by reference to the boundary of Zebulun at the south and Asher on the west. Naphtali was also known as a messenger of good news. He was the first to reach Jacob to bring the good news that Joseph was still alive in Egypt, in addition to quickly running off to Egypt to bring the deed of land title for the Cave of Machpelah to show proof that Esau had sold his burial spot to Jacob.

Esau did not want to allow it, claiming that the last free burial spot was his. The approximate location and boundaries of the 12 landed Israelite tribes, based on records in the Book of Joshua.

The full extent of the Canaanite land promised was never acquired, due to the repeated disobedience of the Israelites during the their commanded conquest of this very idolatrous, heathen land, after the Exodus from slavery in Egypt and the following 40 years of Divine punishment wandering in the wilderness, before Joshua and the living descendants were allowed to enter the land, following the death of Moses. The possession assigned to this tribe is set forth in Josh.

The boundary ran west through Aznoth Tabor and came out at Hukkok. It touched Zebulun on the south, Asher on the west and the Jordan on the east.

There were nineteen towns and their villages. These towns and their villages were the inheritance of the tribe of Naphtali, according to its clans. It lay in the northeastern corner of the land, bounded on the east by the Jordan and the lakes of Merom and Galilee, and on the north it extended far into Coele-syria, the valley between the two Lebanon ranges. It included a greater variety of rich and beautiful scenery and of soil and climate than fell to the lot of any other tribe.

The territory of Naphtali extended to about square miles, being double of that of Issachar. The region around Kedesh, one of its towns, was originally called Galil, a name afterwards given to the whole northern division of Canaan.

Galilee of the Gentiles—. Here most of his parables were spoken and his miracles performed. At the time of the Exodus, The Tribe of Naphtali numbered 53, adult males Numbers , but, at the close of the wanderings, they numbered only 45, Naphtali was the first tribe to be invaded by Benhadad, king of Syria, in the reigns of Baasha, king of Israel, and Asa, king of Judah. In the reign of Pekah, king of Israel, the Assyrians under Tiglath-pileser swept over the whole north of Israel, and carried the people into captivity.

And, thus the kingdom of Israel came to an end. This occurred around B.


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