Unfortunately for Mayuri, not even his modified bankai is capable of taking Pernida down, which means the task is ultimately left to his Vice-Captain, Nemu. Mayuri reveals that Nemu Kurotsuchi is a kind of artificial soul composed of "konpaku cells," but a flashback shows that he always had paternal-ish feelings toward her.
Nemu is actually the 7th of her kind, although what happens to the previous 6 is unknown. After Nemu effectively defeats Pernida and saves Mayuri, the latter leaves the scene with her brain matter, suggesting that he has further plans with it. Those plans turn into the eighth of the Nemuris, Hachigo.
Ichigo Kurosaki kills Yhwach with Uryu and Aizen's assistance, but the Quincy Father promises that his reiatsu will return in a decade to seek vengeance. As the three of them notice a swirling black substance, they prepare to defend themselves, but it suddenly disappears without any explanation.
Ajay's natural habitat is his bedroom, which means that his time is spent staring at his TV screen in a hypnotic coma. He tends to rant about the lack of quality programming in his life, but the amount of content he consumes would make even Galactus gassy. By Ajay Aravind Published Apr 10, Share Share Tweet Email 0. Related Topics Lists bleach. Ajay Aravind Articles Published Ajay's natural habitat is his bedroom, which means that his time is spent staring at his TV screen in a hypnotic coma.
Naruto: Top 10 Scariest Moments, Ranked. His whole body, even his face and hands, has been painted black and white. He repaints his make-up every morning, as he always removes it before going to bed. Without his makeup, Mayuri has blue hair and honey gold eyes.
He has small, slatted portcullises with multiple earrings in place of where his ears would be, and his body is covered in scars. Upon entering Hueco Mundo, Mayuri reveals a new look: his face paint had changed with him creating a black cross upon the center of his face covering everything but his nose and a small portion of his lower chin.
His ear attachments have become shorter and rounder but wider, his chin has a long golden attachment reminiscent of an Egyptian Pharaoh beard, his teeth have become a golden color, and he no longer wears a hat as there is a golden frame around his face.
His hair is also styled into "horns," that slope down from the top of his head and frame his face, which when viewed from the front looks much like a Pharaoh's crown. The black face paint covers much of his face, leaving thin white lines going up his face and a white nose. He wears a long, golden headdress which curves back to his mid back. Underneath his chin are two opposite facing strands from the mask.
On the backside of the headdress the Twelfth Division symbol is painted. Following the first invasion by the Wandenreich , Mayuri dons a bright white overcoat with many ridges on the front.
The overcoat also has a hood that has many protrusions that give the appearance of a sun. The shoes he wears have changed to be a plain white pair with the shoes splitting into opposite points at the toe. Under this outfit he has styled his hair into three loops, and his ears are covered by three large golden tubes that wrap around the sides of his head.
He now wears a large golden headpiece resembling a pair of ram's horns curling backward behind his head. He has returned to wearing the golden cones over his ears and now dons a wide headdress styled like a pair of horizontal insect antennae, as well as a vest sectioned into multiple petal-like pieces with large black dots in the center. He was still largely painted white except for the black paint which was arranged around his eyes like a large domino mask.
He had gold cones covering his ears and blue hair combed back on the top of his head. While developing the Nemuri Project, Mayuri's makeup consisted of black, geometrical shapes covering the area of his face above his nose and mouth, with thick lines extending to his jaw, and he retained the gold cones on his ears while donning an oddly-shaped hat.
Mayuri Kurotsuchi is a researcher and personifies the stereotype of the mad scientist. By his early actions during the Ryoka Invasion, he is displayed as sadistic and cruel. He sees everyone and everything not as a living being, but as an object to be researched—including himself.
It is known that Mayuri's favorite food is pike fish, and that he does not like onion. One of his free-time activities is reading every character published in Seireitei Communication. He himself publishes a serialization in the journal, titled "Effective Medication for the Brain", which apparently contains detailed instructions on preparation of medicine and their application.
Surprisingly, it is highly popular among the readers. In battle, Mayuri likes to toy with his opponent, torturing them little by little until they can hardly stand. Every time he fights he uses it as an experiment testing himself and his opponent little by little. He also uses it as an opportunity to implant microbes or other things in case they get away.
Before engaging, though, he will make extensive research on his possible opponents to tilt the chance of winning in his favor. Mayuri's utter disregard for life even extends to the rest of the Gotei 13, believing that all members of the organization are to be prepared to give up their lives in order to protect the Seireitei. To this end, he would gladly cut down any former comrades, even if they are under the enemy's control, [20] test many of his experimental drugs on such comrades for the sake of his research which he believes to be the sake of the Seireitei, [21] and even force his zombified fellow captains to become his minions to fight to their last breath for the sake of Gotei 13 and Soul Society, as opposed to killing them out of mercy.
Despite his disregard for most life, Mayuri is very obsessive about creating it, and it is his dream to create a soul out of nothing. Mayuri as a prisoner in Maggot's Nest. Little is known about the early history of Mayuri, except that years ago, he was the only prisoner in the Maggot's Nest who was considered dangerous enough to necessitate confinement in a small prison cell, chained to the wall by his ankle. He would, however, one day be visited by Kisuke Urahara who was seeking his genius to become vice-president in the newly thought-of Shinigami Research and Development Institute , a request that would automatically get him out of there.
At first Mayuri refused since he is quite content with his life down in the Nest, until Kisuke began teasing him with the fact that he had nothing to tinker with down there and that, as vice-president, he would inherit everything should something happen to Urahara. At some point, Mayuri read a book detailing the functions of the arms of the Soul King , where he learned that the right arm is in charge of " stopping " while the left arm is in charge of " advancing ". Mayuri expressed distaste for Shinji as he refused to call Mayuri by his full name and only called him by his first, which was too familiar for Mayuri's liking.
He acted uninterested in the conversation between Urahara and Aizen who was explaining that the 9th Division had been sent on a special investigation to find out what was happening with the disappearances in the Rukongai.
The two constantly got into an ongoing argument about who was in charge, prompting Hiyori to call in Urahara. He explained to her that with the disappearances occurring he had created a new type of Gigai. Urahara agreed to send a researcher over to the investigation site as per the request of Captain Kensei Muguruma of the 9th Division. Urahara elected Hiyori to go to the site, to which she became irritated and asked why he couldn't send someone less important, referring to lab assistant Akon.
He questioned if she should continue being a lieutenant prompting Hiyori to attack him, though he simply dodged her. Though reluctant, Hiyori gave in once Urahara explained that she was the only one that he could trust with the task. After an incident that got Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi banished and several captains and seated officers Hollowfied, Mayuri later succeeded Urahara in leading the Research and Development Institute. This development allowed him to succeed Urahara as captain of the 12th Division of the Gotei In the project, he eventually created new life from " godly soul cells " in the form of Nemu, which made him extremely happy.
Years later, after the issue of Shinigami being killed in Naruki City was solved, Mayuri listened to Isshin Shiba 's report about his findings in a captains' meeting.
Although the Captain-Commander was willing to overlook Isshin's violation of rules, Mayuri expressed his displeasure at how Isshin couldn't bring back the body of the "Mysterious Hollow". Mayuri is present at a meeting of the Gotei 13 captains which is convened so that Captain Gin Ichimaru can explain his suspicious actions.
Gin, being one of the thirteen captains, should have had no trouble destroying Ichigo and his friends. Gin merely chalks it up to a mistake on his part. Though Mayuri and Kenpachi Zaraki argue over the possibility of him purposefully letting them go, which grows into an argument between the two until they are silenced by Captain-Commander Yamamoto.
During the search, Mayuri tries to give an unsanctioned interrogation to Ikkaku Madarame while he is healing in the 4th Division headquarters. Ikkaku refuses to tell him the details of his fight.
Disturbed that Ikkaku has nothing to offer, he states that he will need to be punished for his behavior, though Mayuri is promptly stopped by Zaraki who asks him since when does he have authority over the members of other divisions.
Mayuri quickly leaves. Mayuri then states that they are a rare breed and he hasn't seen one alive for many years, but he notes that he has no interest in the Quincy as he finished studying their kind some time ago.
Mayuri then gives his name, rank and position. He remarks that it really doesn't matter if Orihime got away, as he can always track her down, and the sooner he does the sooner he can begin testing. When Nemu begins to beg for medical help, he becomes enraged and goes over to her and begins to stomp on her for her insolence.
Mayuri then tells Nemu to kill him, but then realizes that she is paralyzed because of the attack as well and stomps on her again. He sneers that before dying they would always swear on the pride of the Quincy.
Mayuri notes that he had never actually seen the technique in any of the Quincy he studied and is surprised that someone so young can use it. Mayuri is utterly surprised as he has never seen this technique before and is unsure of what even happened.
He threatens to shoot him with a spiritual arrow three times stronger than the last shot if he does not. The previous arrow grievously injured Mayuri, having destroyed his left arm.
After doing so, he releases his Bankai. Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material. Mayuri flat out refuses to share any information with the inquisitive captain.
Telling a story about a war between the Quincy and the Bounts, which ended in a Bount defeat. The biggest incident to come out of this defeat is the Bounts consuming living souls to increase their power.
Mayuri then deduces that the number of people will increase as the Bounts become more active. Sawatari attacks Mayuri with his doll, Baura, and manages to rip Mayuri's left arm off. Mayuri then stabs Sawatari in the right arm. Baura then manages to overcome the paralysis to retreat with Sawatari into another dimension. Sawatari surfaces in another location in Seireitei, and Mayuri appears, revealing that he made a scanner to track the Bount. Sawatari attacks Mayuri with the power of other Shinigami that Baura absorbed in previous battles.
Mayuri is forced to use his Bankai, and kills Sawatari. The confrontation leaves him severely injured afterwards, largely due to his persistence in trying to capture the Bount alive at first.
When Yamamoto calls the Gotei 13 captains for an emergency meeting, Mayuri is among those that attend. Suddenly, Mayuri stands up and taunts Szayelaporro which causes the Espada to continue to destroy organs, but this time it has no effect. To give him what he asked for, Szayelaporro uses his possession ability to control Mayuri's Bankai, but Mayuri already had countermeasures set in place for just that possibility; his Bankai self-destructs, reverting to its sealed state. Mayuri, disappointed at Szayelaporro's lack of any further abilities, explains that by recreating himself inside Nemu, Szayelaporro is now dosed with one of many special drugs placed inside her body.
The one he just absorbed is a sense-enhancing chemical that he instantly names a 'superhuman drug', as it were. The drug increases Szayelaporro's senses to the point that his body falls grossly behind and cannot move, paralyzing him as seconds become centuries. Mayuri then berates Szayelaporro for his statement as a scientist that he was the perfect being. After searching for Szayelaporro's laboratory throughout the rubble, he realizes that he cannot ask Nemu for help.
Musing that she is such a "pain in the ass", he revives Nemu with rather odd and possibly very explicit means and has her dig out Szayelaporro's laboratory, within which are a pair of bodies suspended from the ceiling. When Byakuya Kuchiki tells Ichigo Kurosaki to go back to Karakura Town , Ichigo complains that he could not get back that easily on his own, and that Kisuke Urahara was not there to open the Garganta.
Mayuri then suddenly appears behind the group with Nemu pushing a loaded wagon behind him and complains about the fact that Ichigo is constantly fixated on Urahara.
He then notes how Ichigo used no honorifics to address him, but muses about the fact that he was better than Byakuya and Kenpachi, whom Ichigo would only address using their given names. Byakuya takes notice of his unusually lenient mood and asks if it has something to do with the wagon behind him. Mayuri confirms this and tells him that he is in a good mood because, not only has he found some "spoils of war", but at the same place he was also able to analyze the structure of the Garganta.
When Ichigo questions his statement, Mayuri begins to rant about what he had learned and orders Nemu to make preparations to send the substitute Shinigami to the Human world. When Ichigo further complains, Mayuri explains to Ichigo that this process was an experiment, and that Ichigo is "Test Subject Number 1" and therefore, he has no right to refuse or to accept.
Retsu Unohana then arrives and says she'll accompany Ichigo back. Mayuri is surprised that she'd offer to be a test subject too, but she smiles and says that she has faith in him and that she believes the experiment will be a success. Besides that, if Mayuri failed to make a Garganta, even after analyzing information found in Hueco Mundo, then Urahara would laugh at him.
Mayuri reminds her that he could close the Garganta during the transfer, which she merely acknowledges as being true. Unohana only says that she expects no less.
He then opens the Garganta to let both Ichigo and Unohana through. After Ichigo leaves, Mayuri comments to himself how fascinating Ichigo is and how he will formulate a plan to torment Ichigo.
Mayuri merely replies that there are multiple more interesting specimens in Hueco Mundo and will simply use the Garganta after the war to study the Living World more. Byakuya then suggests that Mayuri has faith in Ichigo's abilities to end the war. Mayuri oversees the checking of the pillars to determine if they are all free of anomalies. As check is completed he initiates the activation of the world shifting bond posts. He is interrupted by one of his subordinates who tells him that he needs to wait as there are Shinigami in the town and a material world transfer without the aid of a Senkai gate is dangerous.
Mayuri decides that he will give them time and count to ten as his subordinate calls for every Shinigami to get out of town before they are killed. However, he openly complains about the Captain-Commander ordering the meeting at such a late hour. When Muramasa makes himself known to the Shinigami, he announces that Captain Yamamoto is no longer there. Captain Sajin Komamura is disturbed by this news and attacks Muramasa, only to see his own Bankai go rogue and attack him instead.
Upon inspecting his own katana, Kurotsuchi notes that he can no longer feel its Reiatsu. As President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute , he is intrigued by Muramasa's powers and eagerly asks what he has done to accomplish such a feat.
But after a brief inspection of the spirit, the captain appeared relaxes, wearing a contented smile, a feeling not shared by any of the others present. If it's killed by someone else, it will revert to Shikai form, break in half. Mayuri returns to find the SDRI in ruins. During everyone's rest and partying from the recent chaos, strange beings appear at the Kuchiki Manor and cause much destruction.
After killing one of them, Byakuya and Rukia go to Kurotsuchi for answers. He explains that several of the spirits that Muramasa manifested were not recaptured and were able to kill their masters. After warning them that these rogue spirits can access their full power, equal to a Bankai, at any time, he asks them with great delight to bring back one, alive, for him to analyze.
Later, Rukia succeeds in capturing one and has it sent to Kurotsuchi, who responds with great glee. Mayuri is called to Yamamoto 's office, where the Captain-Commander asks for his opinion on the missing lieutenants. He then explains that they have to be in the Human World , as there is no record of them returning via the Dangai. Mayuri becomes infuriated when Hitsugaya implies that the 12th Division's S. When Lieutenants Nanao Ise and Rangiku Matsumoto are confirmed to have returned, in which they believe that only three hours have passed since their disappearance, he realizes that Hitsugaya is correct.
Captain-Commander Yamamoto then calls an emergency captains meeting, where Mayuri Kurotsuchi explains that there is a gradually expanding time-gap between the Human World and Soul Society. Mayuri then requests for a study to be made in this new phenomena to identify its cause, which is concerning him. Yamamoto places Mayuri in charge, whilst 11th Division Captain Kenpachi Zaraki is assigned for security. In the Dangai, Mayuri berates Akon on the lateness of the connection, explaining that the cause of the disturbance is indeed man-made.
Mayuri shouts at Yachiru and Kenpachi to be quiet. As Nemu's survey equipment starts fluctuating, as a bright light erupts from the Dangai wall, enveloping Mayuri and the other Shinigami. Mayuri later appears with other members of the Gotei 13 after they escape from the Dangai.
He tells Inaba that for an underling, he pulled off a pretty big stunt. Inaba smiles and gets excited that he is there. Mayuri then says that he will make Inaba pay a million times over. Mayuri states that Inaba is the 7th seat of his division and the head of Dangai research in the S. He outlines the danger Inaba presents to the integrity of the Gotei 13, as Ichigo speculates why Inaba tried so desperately to capture Nozomi. As Inaba calls forth his Reigai to protect him, Mayuri, disguised as his Reigai arrives.
After Inaba backs off, Mayuri stabs him in the back, revealing himself to his subordinate and taunting him. He then posed as the Reigai through the use of contact lenses and a Reigai bracelet, infiltrating Soul Society. As he stabs Inaba, a though process interrupting drug is injected into his system. Mayuri uses his extendable arm to grab his neck and tie him up.
Inaba manages to free himself from Mayuri's arm, prompting Mayuri to praise his combat ability. Mayuri reveals that he was stalling for time and offers to keep his eyes closed as he walks towards Inaba so that the later may attack him. Inaba does not attack and Mayuri stabs him once he is close enough. He explains about the drug to Inaba, who is confused about how he can move his body, but yet was unable to avoid Mayuri's simple attack. However, Inaba attacks and defeats the Reigai, prompting Mayuri to comment that his emotions have gotten the better of him now that he cannot think clearly.
Inaba grabs the Mod-Soul pill from the remains of the dead Reigai, surprising Mayuri. Hitsugaya asks if it is a Gikon , but Mayuri reveals that it is a Modified Soul. Inaba swallows the pill and is ejected from his body, which he reveals to be a Reigai.
Mayuri theorizes that he forced the Modified Soul he swallowed to take the effects of the drug. He forces Mayuri back and the Reigai return to his side.
Inaba claims that he was the one who developed the Mod-Souls, which Mayuri dismisses as a lie. Inaba angrily decries this and reveals how advanced the research into Modified Souls was.
He destroys the Reigai Reiatsu-limiters, prompting them to release their full power as several Reigai that had already been defeated appear. Mayuri explains that as long as their core form, the pill, is preserved, their bodies can be replaced. Inaba tells Mayuri that not even he could create Reigai that could withstand such Reiatsu.
The Reigai engage in a grand melee with the captains. His looks are not deceiving, though, as he acts quite as bizarrely as he appears. Mayuri doesn't have a major role to play in Bleach , occasionally injected into certain crucial fights like those against Uryuu Ishida or Szayelaporro Granz, but his importance skyrockets in the final arc.
Forget audiences, the question that needs answering, however, is this: How much does Soul Society really know about him? Mayuri Kurotsuchi's backstory is never really established, except the fact that he used to be an extremely unstable character who had been locked away in the Seireitei Maggot's Nest.
He is brought into the picture by Urahara, who realizes the intellectual potential of this so-called villain and requests that the Central 46 allow Mayuri's early release into his secure custody. But what was he doing there in the first place? How horrible were his crimes that he was shackled in place? Also: when did he get his zanpakuto? Mayuri claims that he's the greatest scientific mind in Soul Society, and to be honest, there isn't a lot of competition for him in that department.
During his battle with Szayelaporro Granz, he proudly announces that "perfection" is a boring cliche, only hankered after by romantic idiots. And yet, Mayuri's sole aim has been to create life from nothing, and he finally succeeds with Nemu. The very fact that his deepest desire is that of producing an ideal being conflicts with his proclamations, making him a standard hypocrite.
Of all the strange enhancements that he has made to his body, Nikushibuki is probably the most unbelievable. In case Mayuri ever loses a battle, as he does against Uryuu Ishida , he is able to pierce himself with Ashisogi Jizou, an act which transforms him into a wobbly green fluid. The disadvantage here is that he has no way of protecting himself, but at the same time is totally immune from all damage. Since most objects in Soul Society are made of reishi, is it possible that Mayuri has figured out a way to modulate the spiritual substance?