Who is jay thunderbolt

Van der Kolk has directed and produced the podcast for 10 years with sound designer Brendan Baker. In choosing stories, he steers away from subjects that seem black and white. Flying from West Germany, Rust says he made the illegal trip to reduce political tensions during the Cold War.

After spending time in a Soviet prison, Rust was returned to West Germany, where he nearly stabbed a woman to death for rejecting his romantic advances. Such conflicting messages of peace and violence struck a nerve with van der Kolk. Jay Thunderbolt has a moral code. By offering few interruptions from interviewers, listeners can feel as though the subjects are speaking to them directly. And because many people listen to podcasts with headphones, it creates a more intimate form of communication than radio.

But not everyone has been a fan of the series. Instead, the episode won an award. In a world where virtually anything can be stated as fact on the Internet, van der Kolk says that people should keep a healthy skepticism about all forms of media. Tags: Arts and Culture. More Arts and Culture ». Nick: And… just who is he? What does he do? Noah: Jay runs a strip club out of his house. Good afternoon, Thunderbolt Entertainment. Hi Dericka. Say hi guys! Noah: Hey. Nick: Hey.

You guys got any money on you? You want some dances? Besides the dancing. Thunderbolt Entertainment. Great, how much are you going to pay me? Nick: Alright.

OK, so how does your radio station make any money? AM or FM? Nick: FM Mmm Hmm. Where is it on the dial? Nick: Eighty nine point five FM. In Chicago. I drink tequila. Nick: Okay. You want to grab some tequila? Noah: Sure. You want to borrow a pistol? Wanna borrow a vest? Do you listen to NPR at all?

Other than that— Nick: Yeah. Nick: Did you grow up in a rough neighborhood? Cheers boys. Nick: Cheers. Noah: Pleasure to meet you. Noah: Right. I have a different Blue Cross card. Nick: So what is that? Nick: How long you been carrying that around for? Nick: You were in the service? Up and down. In and out. Yeah… Nick: You got brass knuckles… Mmm hmmm. Got a knife… Nick: Have you ever had to use that shit?

You fuckin A right. Nick: What, like— Do I look like a guy who needs to sit around a tap dance with ya? Neighborhood sucks since they set that house on fire last Saturday. Nick: How much is a dance anyway? Nick: What is your playlist? Nick: People follow the rules?

Can we see the Wall of Fame? Yeah… keep your camera in your pocket chief. This is radio. Nick: Really. Noah: What does it take to get into the Hall of Fame? Well, a hundred and four — fifty-two Fridays, fifty-two Saturdays… Noah: This one has two girls in it, which girl… What girl? What girl has two girls in it? Noah: This one. Noah: Alright. Jesus Christ. Go ahead, gonna strap you up. Kevlar vest.

Get your lingo right. Noah: No, not really. This is not that bad. Nick: You ever had any trouble with clients? Noah: You were wearing a ring? As much as Shapiro looks forward to showcasing innovative work, she sympathizes with program directors reluctant to push the envelope too far. The piece takes the listener inside the execution room and dives into how people spend their last moments. It was a hard for listeners to swallow.

I asked Baker what he thought of the future of public radio podcasting. Cite this article Hide citations. Gilbertson, Annie. Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard, 24 Oct. Gilbertson, A. Nieman Journalism Lab. Last modified October 24, Accessed November 12, The Nieman Journalism Lab is a collaborative attempt to figure out how quality journalism can survive and thrive in the Internet age.

By Annie Gilbertson Oct. Brendan Baker. David Isay. Jay Thunderbolt. Julie Shapiro. Love and Radio. Nick van der Kolk. Nick Williams. Remix Radio. Roman Mars. Stacy Abramson. Third Coast.


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