The Annies revealed that they strung the song together in 30 minutes on a bus. Lambert revealed, "We have a rule on the first record that we wanted to write every single song, so we have 10 songs that we wrote together. The Annies each have a nickname, too. Presley is Holler Annie since "I am from eastern Kentucky and am a coal miner's daughter and grew up in a holler. I am a hillbilly hippy, from east Tennessee," she said. People hate us because we're so proud," she said. All of the Annies went on a hunt together, with Presley having shot a turkey that they all ate.
Interestingly, Lambert's new husband Blake Shelton is an honorary Annie, too. You are no longer onsite at your organization. Please log in. For assistance, contact your corporate administrator. Arrow Created with Sketch. Calendar Created with Sketch.
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