Who is bright morning star

In the spiritual it also speaks of the sure and confident hope that we have of the dawn of a coming new day. Now before diving into what that means for Jesus and His return, let's just look at a few verses that give a wee Bible history on this particular phrase. So we have seen that this phrase was used by Jesus, of Himself, in the last book of the Bible. But did you know that it is also used in arguably the oldest book in the Bible?

That is, the book of Job. God, when speaking to Job, gives us a glimpse of one of the very first scenes after He created the earth. Speaking to Job He says:. Tell Me, if you have understanding, Who set its measurements?

Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? Or who laid its cornerstone, When the morning stars sang together And all the sons of God shouted for joy? Job When it speaks of the morning stars and the sons of God in this passage it is speaking of the angelic realm.

Angels are often symbolized by stars especially in the book of Revelation. In Revelation Jesus says that the seven stars that John saw are seven angels.

In Revelation 12 it speaks of Satan being cast out of heaven and taking a third of the stars with him Rev So in Job, it gives us a beautiful picture of these angels, called the morning stars, singing, rejoicing and shouting for joy over what God had made. Sometimes we hear singing that we describe as angelic. Well, these angels, these morning stars, literally did form an angelic choir right at the dawn of creation and they couldn't help themselves.

The beauty of the dawn of the new day that was coming and they had to sing and rejoice! And yet there was one angelic being that wasn't singing. There was one morning star that wasn't happy at all.

In fact he hated what He saw. How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!

You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High. Isa You see here the one who didn't sing at creation.

His name is Lucifer or, literally, light bearer, He had been God's anointed cherub, the highest order of angelic being. He WAS a beautiful morning star, a son of the dawn.

Yet enamored with his own beauty Ezek and proud desire to be like the Most High Isa And great was that fall. Now we know the rest of the story.

He set about to deceive and destroy God's creation and all that was dear to God's heart. Primarily that meant deceiving and drawing away that which God had said was 'very good' - the pinnacle of Yahweh's creation - mankind. And you only have to take a look at the 6 o'clock news to see what a mess humanity was left in. As we move forward with this Bible star history, we see that God had a plan!

Hope was seen in a new star rising. Here is a quiz starter for you. Who said this 'I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, but not near. Here is part of the prophecy:. The oracle of one who hears the words of God, who has knowledge from the Most High, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened: I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near. A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel. He will crush the foreheads of Moab, the skulls of all the sons of Sheth.

Num It comes from the infamous prophet Balaam. Balaam heard the words of God and saw a vision of the coming King. He saw Him, but knew it wasn't for his time He beheld Him, but knew His coming wasn't near. And yet look at how He described Him: 'There is a star coming out of Jacob. A scepter will rise out of Israel. Following this star onwards you will no doubt remember that when the wise men came to Herod they said "Where is he that is born King of the Jews? I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.

Rev So what do we see from this passage concerning the bright morning star? What is the context of this title? It is to do with His return. We have seen that the bright morning star rises while it is still dark, before the sun dawns, to give the hope of a coming new day. That is what this title means for us. Let's explore this:. Paul wrote: Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.

The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Rom The Bible says to know the time. The night is almost gone and the day is near. If it was important for Paul's age how so much more today? The night seems quite dark at the moment - There is a lot of tension in the air.

There is a feeling that something soon has to give. There is financial tension. Political tension. Middle East tension. The players are aligning as the Bible says they will. But the darkness of the hour is a pointer that the morning star is close! The new day is the return of Jesus Christ to setup His Kingdom on this planet. My imagination can only begin to fathom the radiant brightness and beauty that Jesus possesses. I exalt Him that all the authority and attributes of the Godhead are manifested in His inexhaustible and all-consuming bright-ness!

I am forever grateful that one day He will lead all who have called upon Him into His blessed presence. I revere and adore the One Who is our All, and is in All. Toggle navigation. Devotions Names of Christ. They relate to the world as we know it because we cannot comprehend God fully.

Can you discover the limits of the Almighty? Imagery helps us to visualize the invisible spiritual battle. A single image can possess multiple meanings. Water is both an image of destruction and of salvation in the Bible.

Satan and Jesus are each referred to as a Star of Morning or Day Star, but the contrast between them could not be more profound. Scripture frequently reinforces a point using contrast. Satan tried to tempt Jesus to eat, to test the Lord, and to rebel against the Lord as Satan had done.

From the mountain peak where Satan offered Jesus power over everything they saw, the evil one was prepared to dispose of the world and its inhabitants as the wager in a bet. Christ, from this lofty vantage point, looked still higher — to the Father.

Celestial imagery is another facet of juxtaposition within the Bible. Satan had the potential to be a servant angel, to remain in the presence of God , not in power, but in relationship. Instead, he used his power to lead them into sin. Christ is not only the true and lasting light of morning, but he was the first light, with God at the beginning.

Irony is when we say the opposite of what we mean or when what we see belies reality. Jesus is the eternal Morning Star who will return to send him there.

Remember the star rising in the east when Christ was born? An astronomical explanation of the Star of Bethlehem provides a scientific parallel. Then, it reemerged brighter than ever.


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