Who is amma in beautiful creatures

Ethan Wate : I envy people in comas. How do you believe in all this and still believe in God? Amma : God created all things, didn't he? It's only men who go and decide which ones are mistakes. Amma : Close your eyes, see with your mind what you're looking for as if you've already found it. Ethan Wate : This must run under the whole town. Amma : The whole country. And y'know what? Here's the thing. I like when people use their imagination when it comes to me. I appreciate that, I-I'm thankful for that.

So, mm-hmm. I had no idea, so I'm glad I didn't know, so I didn't feel the pressure. But, um I don't like pressure! You know what? That's not true, because I probably wouldn't have felt the pressure.

I'm not so kinda self-focused where I feel like, "Everything is built around me! In case you've been under a rock, that's the woman who played Aibileen in the film version of The Help. As Amma, she'll be cleaning up a different kind of mess—a supernatural kind. Wait, what do we mean supernatural? We're glad you asked. Amma comes from a family of tarot card readers at least six generations long, and Ethan's been accustomed to Amma's ways of magic since he was a little boy: "Amma had her own way of thinking about things.

Sure she makes little charms and dolls out of chicken bones, but she never does anything we'd consider to be all that dark.

Her form of magic sounds more like a version of voodoo often seen in movies or video games. Ethan's dad even poked fun at her once, buying her a kitchen witch doll. Very funny, Dad. But Amma's more than your average neighborhood swamp psychic. As Ethan says, "Amma was nothing if not a force to be reckoned with" 9. And as it turns out, she and the Ravenwoods go way back.

Ethan overhears Amma tell Macon, "my family's been cleanin' up your family's messes for over a hundred years. I've kept your secrets, just like you've kept mine" We're not yet sure of the extent of Amma's secrets, but six generations of supernatural Seers must have some skeletons in their closet. Macon, while holding Amma back as she tries to leap for Ethan and weeping, despite Amma's promise to never forgive him, promises Ethan that he will look after her after his Ethan's sacrifice and death.

The role of Amma is played by Viola Davis in the film adaption of the first book of The Caster Chronicles series, as announced in late February. This role was the first one to be publicly announced. The Caster Chronicles Wiki Explore. The series. Dream Dark Dangerous Dream. Dangerous Creatures Dangerous Deception. Ethan C. Wate Mitchell Wate Prudence J.

Statham Grace A. Statham Mercy L. Statham Caroline Evers. Genevieve K. Caster Mortal Wayward Incubus Darkborn. Administrators Poll Archive. Explore Wikis Community Central.


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