In-Stock Machines. Premade Pouch. Vertical Form Fill Seal. Stick Packaging. Center Spout Pouch. Bag Styles. Turnkey Integrated Packaging Solutions. Contract Packaging. Non-Food Products. Let's set the stage: It's the year , and legend has it that an Ethiopian herdsman named Kaldi observed his goat acting especially chipper after eating red berries from a nearby bush.
After consuming the berries himself and experiencing feelings of energy and elation, he ran to the nearest monastery to tell of their amazing effect. The chief monk, thinking Kaldi was possessed, burned the berries in a fire, calling them evil. But later, a rebellious young monk fished the berries from the remains of the fire and mixed them with water for a drink, effectively making himself the first barista.
Thus, coffee was born. Coffee wouldn't be the mega-industry it is today without packaging. From cans and tins to pods and bottles to flexible bags and pouches, the history of coffee packaging is full of innovations and eureka moments that have shaped its development over time.
So join us for Packaging History and learn about the evolution of coffee packaging! Don't worry, we promise there won't be a test. Want more packaging history and news? Subscribe for updates or check out another article in the Packaging History series: The evolution of snack packaging.
In , the French create a way to make coffee by soaking ground coffee in a linen bag in hot water and letting it rest until the desired strength is achieved.
When were coffee bags invented, you ask? In , ground coffee in France was packaged in sacks of greased leather or in bags treated on the outside with beeswax.
This is thought to be the original form of the laminated paper bag and was used to conserve flavor. In New York, packages of packed-down roasted coffee were sold in a narrow-mouthed pot or jar of any size. This is considered to be the first crude coffee package in America. It was said coffee would "keep good for twelve months" when packaged in this manner we're not so sure about that When sold at retail in the U.
Englishmen Bryan Donkin and John Hall began packaging coffee in cans after establishing the first canning factory in London. However, the brand never really took off and was superseded in popularity by Arbuckle's Ariosa see This coffee was packaged in tin foil pound papers. In , the first paper bag factory to make packages for loose coffee in the United States began its operations. As for who was the original inventor of the vacuum-sealed process? Perhaps you will come up with a different answer.
By the way, this has become one of my more popular posts, typically visited by first time visitors to my site. Do you prefer that your financial planner be a history buff? Or at least know enough history to learn from it? Stay in touch — sign up for my email newsletter. Describing the Vacuum Process. Uncommon Grounds…by Mark Pendergrast. Hills Brothers HQ.
Portraits of Reuben and Austin Hills. Vacuum sealing machines always perform this function by using a suction pump manual or electronic to vacuum food container, mostly used for preserving dried foods like nuts, meats, etc.
So in the old times, packages were made in the same way as today but obviously modern vacuum sealers are more evolved in various functions than the basic vacuum sealing machines. Modern vacuum sealers are evolved versions of basic sealing machines that were invented initially. The first industrial vacuum sealers had come into the market as revolutionary machines that used to help seal and store food on industrial scale. The basic sealers used to utilize large vacuum nozzles and heavy machinery.
Industrial level heating bars were used to seal the plastic containers, which were very inefficient and most of the preserved foods were used to spoil before reaching the consumers. Industrial-grade sealers are still available in modern forms to package and store foods for market shelves. Despite the same packaging principles there are many features that differentiate the basic and modern vacuum sealers.
The gas filling facility is also a new feature in evolved and modern sealers. Not only the basic features of vacuum sealers are evolved but also now there are many varieties and options. Now a user can choose from many options like double vacuum chamber vacuum sealer, automatic belt chamber vacuum sealer, a tabletop sealer, thermoforming vacuum sealer and more.
Not only we have varieties in the kinds of vacuum sealers but also we have now many brands of vacuum sealers, like vacmaster , foodsaver , etc. These brands have many options for home as well as industrial users. Automatic belt vacuum sealer, thermoforming vacuum sealing machines and some other options are complex but are very good for industrial use. However, simple food vacuum sealers like tabletop sealers and single chamber vacuum sealers are great for home-users. Well, no matter how complex might be the operative nature of modern vacuum sealers, they are mostly automatic and require very less manual operation.