More topics from this board Where can I find EXP share? Side Quest 4 Answers How and where can i catch Rotom?? Side Quest 16 Answers Where can I find dawn stone? Side Quest 5 Answers Where can I find surf? Side Quest 5 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: argonianlover62 argonianlover62 11 years ago 1 I'm trying to get a good fire pokemon for my team and at the moment I an choose a Houndoom or Rapidash which one do you guys think I should use?
User Info: Chickenonabun Chickenonabun 11 years ago 2 i would say houndoom, it has a better special attack than rapidash's atk. User Info: Stratavos Stratavos 11 years ago 5 houndoom, remember to avoid bugs and faster fighting types now though Trade - Petaya Berry.
Help with Manaphy egg trade. User Info: CharizardFire. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status iis this a good moevset for rapidash? Answered What are good nicknames for a female Rapidash and a Magnezone Not overused? Answered What is the best moveset for Houndoom? Answered Who is better on my team togetic or houndoom? Answered how can train my Staraptor, Houndoom, Vaporeon for Elite four because vs seeker will not work in V road?
Ask A Question. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? What are good nicknames for a female Rapidash and a Magnezone Not overused? What is the best moveset for Houndoom? On Pokemon Pearl Houndoom can be caught using the poke radar at the same area. User Info: Super Creatures. Unfortunately no.
Houndour requires the new Block system, that lets you attract new Pokemon to the various zone. Who can beat Mega Houndoom? Who is better Houndoom or Rapidash? How good is Houndour? Which is better Flareon or Rapidash? Does Houndour evolve? Can Mega Houndoom be shiny? Is Houndour a Kanto Pokemon? What Pokemon evolves into Houndoom?
What is Houndoom weakness? What should I name my Houndoom?