The inconsistency in the weather in Wellington lies in the wind and it can be pretty bad. It certainly was more consistent than the average British summer that is for sure! Please remember though this is a viewpoint coming from very British girl! This is so true! On the flip side, when it is great here it is great. Even though Auckland has better weather, Wellingtonians seem to appreciate the good days and that is priceless. This is an issue I contemplated not bringing up on our blog.
In November NZ got hit by a 7. It was quite frankly the scariest thing to witness. Those 60 seconds spent under the dining table yes that is where we went! The fact that Wellington is built on a fault line is not an issue you should ignore either. What we have taken away from the experience is to not be fooled by our naivety and realise everything is possible. The council has been doing a great job since with educating Wellingtonians on what to do in case this happens again.
If anyone is interested this website by the council has developed in leaps and bounds over the last year and we have found it very useful. That being said Auckland is a city built on volcanoes, with more than 50 in a Km area…. New Zealand is a young country in the grand scheme of things and is still very active.
If you are making the leap of moving to either Auckland or Wellington check out our article on how to find a trusted mover in NZ , the distance between the two cities is quite large and its not a moving job we did by ourselves! What better way to channel such extreme passion than to exploit it to my advantage to discuss which city will take the crown as New Zealands best city. Wellington or Auckland. Auckland is the biggest city, Wellington is the Capital city, so if you could only visit one of them, which would you choose?
In order to understand the big picture we must remind ourselves of a little New Zealand history. Nobody likes to be demoted. Perhaps this is why Auckland strives to remain in close competition with the capital city to the present day. Ratings are current Tripadvisor ratings of each attraction — where applicable. Auckland War Memorial Museum is an impressive building located within the Domain. A gold coin donation is welcomed.
The Auckland Botanical Gardens is a stunning place with over 10, plants from around the world. There are lots of different gardens to explore and a nice cafe and visitor centre on site.
It only opened in so the garden is very young. Entry is FREE. Wellington Botanical Gardens. There are several different gardens to explore within the site including a Peace Garden, Rose Garden and Begonia House. Auckland Zoo has over animals from rhinos, giraffes, elephants, red pandas, lions and tigers to native and exotic birds and the obligatory reptiles.
Not forgetting the ever popular meerkat. Auckland Zoo is well set out with plenty of places to sit and eat and enjoy the location. It takes around 30 minutes by bus to get here. Auckland Zoo is a not for profit so all entrance fees go back into caring for the animals and towards conservation.
Wellington Zoo also has an impressive collection of animals including cheetahs, chimpanzees, lions, penguins, baboons and reptiles.
You can book a close encounter with a variety of animals and even have a sleepover at the zoo. It takes about 25 minutes by bus from the central city to get to the zoo.
Which are the most popular comparisons? Auckland Wellington. No reviews yet Help our community by sharing your experience. Write a review. Demographics 1. Population density shows how cramped or spread out inhabitants are. Cities or countries with high population densities can be considered overpopulated, which can be a problem if the infrastructure is underdeveloped. Source: Wikipedia, Populous cities or countries usually offer better employment opportunities because of their large economies.
Big cities attract companies and business investment, and are usually important cultural centers and research hubs. Cities or countries with younger population have usually better development perspectives. Young societies are more dynamic and creative. The average population growth rate reflects the annual increase or decrease in population. The higher the growth, the more dynamic society feels. Facebook users Source: Socialbakers, Quality of living 1.