The type of EWAR is indicated by a two-letter abbreviation in the drone's name, while the size is indicated by the numbers small , medium and large. So, for example, the small sensor dampening drone is called a Hobgoblin SD based on the Hobgoblin light drone , while the medium tracking disruption drone is called a Valkyrie TD based on the Valkyrie medium drone.
EWAR drones have the same bandwidth and drone bay space requirements as their combat drone counterparts, but tend to be more fragile. Tracking disruption drones cannot be scripted i. For comparison, a Tracking Disruptor I module has a This can be increased to ECM drones act like multispectral jammers i.
For comparison, the Multispectral Jammer I module has a jam strength of 2. When a ship is jammed by ECM drones they can only target the ECM drones that jam them allowing the drone owning ship to avoid target locks. Unlike regular ECM modules, successful jams from ECM drones will only last 5 seconds instead of the regular 20, while still having a 20 second cycle on jam attempts. Sensor dampening drones cannot be scripted i. For comparison, a Remote Sensor Dampener I module has a Similar to EWAR drones, these perform auxiliary tasks in combat.
Just like EW drones, ship bonuses, skill bonuses, rigs, or modules do not increase the amount of capacitor neutralized or the speed reduction. These drones drain a fixed amount of energy from the target ship's capacitor working in a similar manner to energy neutralizers, also called "neuts" , and are not stacking-penalized.
They come in three sizes, are based on Amarr combat drones, and operate on a 6-second cycle like small neuts. Energy neutralizing drones are occasionally used to cap out tackle frigates or to keep a neuted target at zero capacitor. Stasis webifier drones work much like Stasis Webifier modules "webs" , slowing the sub-light speed of the target, making them easier to hit and damage.
They are stacking-penalized with other SW drones or with normal web modules. These drones repair their targets. Unfortunately, you cannot target your own ship, and therefore you can't use your logistics drones to repair your own ship you can, however, use them to repair your own drones.
There are Tech 1 and Tech 2 drones, in three sizes light, medium and heavy, each based on the respective combat drone , which repair either shield, armor or hull damage. The hull repair drones are half as effective as the shield and armor counterparts. For comparison, the small, medium and large remote shield and armor repair modules repair 80 HP, HP, and HP every 5 seconds, respectively.
Salvage drones work like Salvager modules, and extract salvage from the wrecks of destroyed ships. This can be increased by training Salvage Drone Operation and Salvage Drone Specialization , allowing them if trained to level V to salvage any wreck. Their chance to salvage cannot be improved by other skills, or by modules, rigs or implants. Just like for salvager modules, salvage drones do not loot wrecks; if a wreck containing loot is salvaged, the loot is left in a container in space.
Additionally, they can be specifically ordered to salvage wrecks belonging to other players marked in yellow on the overview , although this must be done manually for each wreck. When a drone successfully salvages a wreck, it will return to your ship to drop off the salvage into your ship's cargo bay before immediately heading back out into space.
Making salvage drones salvage wrecks automatically can be tricky. If you target a wreck and command your drones to salvage it they will not move to a new wreck after they are done. Instead you need to select the drones such as through the drone window and command them to salvage either in right click menu or in the selected item window. After this the salvage drones will keep on salvaging all wrecks that are in range. As their name suggests, these drones mine ore from asteroids. Mining drones will mine the targeted asteroid for one cycle 60 seconds , then return to your ship, drop off the mined ore into your cargo bay or ore hold , and fly back to the asteroid to continue mining.
Despite these drones having a MWD that is always running, they are very slow about half as fast as heavy combat drones , and therefore it's important to keep your ship as close as possible to the asteroid they are mining, to avoid losing too much time in transit. Training Mining Drone Operation and Drone Interfacing improves their mining yield, and training Drone Navigation increases their speed. There are no mining drones for gas harvesting.
Ice harvesting drones gather ice from ice asteroids. These drones operate identically to mining drones, except their cycles are longer and they only harvest one unit of ice at a time. Combat drone skills: These skills allow you to use light, medium, heavy, and sentry combat drones, respectively. Level V is needed for Tech 2 and 'Augmented' drones; all others only need level I. Note that you don't need any skills to load drones into your drone bay; you only need the skills to launch and control them.
Improved drone performance skills: These are the "drone support skills", which improve the performance of your drones. Nearly every skill requires Drones to level IV or V.
Racial drone specialization: These skills are requires to use each faction's Tech 2 and 'Augmented' drones. These skillbooks come from LP stores and therefore vary in price; they require Drones V. Support drone skills: These skills unlock the electronic warfare EW , combat utility, logistics, and mining drones. Lastly, if you're flying a drone boat, training its spaceship command skill will often improve the performance of your drones considerably.
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I agree. It would seem that the talk of Caldari drones been the over all best was right then for the most part with Amarr coming a close second. I looked at the main tank, so for Guristas that would be shield, for Serpentis it would be armor and so on. I still see a lot of glancing shots on cruisers with navy issue wasps on a dominix lvl 4 Battle ships. I think not, as OP has separate stats listed for tracking, and the equation would involve the stats of the target ship, a la signature size and velocity, etc.
Optimal range, falloff and drone speed would also effect actual applied damage. OP looks to have calculated the damage vs rats with the damage profile of the drones and resistance profile of the rats.
Tide Way Out Productions. Zhilia Mann. Guristas can tank explosive damage all day but are relatively weak to kinetic. Adamantine Creations. Sara Starbuck. If you have drones on agressive they should target the enemies even if you are jammed. Imperial Shipment. Amarr Empire. Zhilia Mann wrote: Hornets.
I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer A Carebear!!