Which children of the corn character are you

King often weaves connections throughout his books, but since the film version of The Stand came out well after Children of the Corn , the discovery must come in retrospect. One of the main characters in the film is referred to simply as The Old Man. The veteran character actor R. Armstrong played the part, filming all of his scenes in a single day. But that's just the half of it! While running the gas station in Gatlin, The Old Man can be heard calling his dog by the name of "Sarge.

We think not! This factoid is actually more frightening than anything depicted in the film. Off the top of your head, do you care to brave a guess as to how old the actor who played Isaac was at the time of filming? Isaac Chroner John Franklin is the evil de facto leader of the children of the corn. In the film, he's portrayed as a wee year-old boy.

However, in reality, Franklin was actually 24 years old. For comparisons, Linda Hamilton was 28 at the time, while Peter Horton was Here we all thought Chroner was giving a precocious performance, but he was just acting his age. David Anders Burt as Burt. Kandyse McClure Vicky as Vicky. Remington Jennings Joseph as Joseph ….

Daniel Newman Malachai as Malachai. Preston Bailey Issac as Issac. Dominic Plue Jacob as Jacob. Creighton Fox Peter as Peter. Ryan Bertroche Amos as Amos. Isabelle Dog as Dog.

Donald P. Stephen King based on the short story by screenplay by Donald P. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Did you know Edit. Trivia Kandyse McClure returns for her second time in a television remake of a cinematic adaptation of Stephen King 's work. She also played Sue Snell in Carrie , a remake of Carrie Ponytail Girl. Little Girl. Search for an item here and add it to the list!

Hey There! This is followed by the opening credits. When the credits end, we are introduced to Burt and Vicki at their motel and told it's three years later. When Burt and Vicki arrive in Gatlin and encounter the children, none of them seem to have aged four years. Quotes Burt : Any religion without love and compassion is false!

Alternate versions The director's initial cut was much longer than the version that eventually made it to theaters and video. Among the missing footage: A longer prologue where several other adults are killed on-camera, most noticeably a police deputy at the local police station whose throat is slashed and then stabbed in the chest, and a farmer who is hacked to death outside his barn by a group of pick-ax wielding teen kids. A scene between Sarah and Job's parents before the slaughter.

They talk over the breakfast table about Sarah's drawings of the upcoming massacre and how they think something awful is about to happen. User reviews Review. Top review. This Ain't Stephen King King's short story is totally adequate, although the husband-and-wife characters are pretty much unlikeable. The movie is a much more "standard" horror flick, and there are some unintentionally goofy moments: He Who Walks Between the Rows burrowing through the fields like Bugs Bunny comes to mind.

And the feel-good ending makes you want to throw up. But unlike its successors, the original CotC is still a chilling little flick, keeping the best elements of the King short story. Yes, it is creepy when the zealous children turn on their parents and subsequently take over the town, preying on outsiders. The creepiness is pretty good, and the horror so-so.

Gislef Dec 22, FAQ 8. What is 'Children of the Corn' about?


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