Where is sethekk halls

If you plan to run this over and over before repair and vendor than drop the light feathers you get in here Comment by nerkel Just a quick reminder to all people trying to solo it for the rep: If you get charmed by the Charm totem and no one else is around, it will reset the mobs that were attacking you, often when they're at low health. Happened to me today on my Lv. I just made sure to keep my ghoul out. Comment by Thottbot Talon king ikiss tactics: Abillitys: Aoe arcane missiles,arcane damage cant really say how often maybe 5 sec.

Blink:he blinks too group,often followed by arcane explosion 3 or 4 sec cast cant remember, k dmg Arcane explosion:when he does this step behind one of the room pillars so you get Out of sight or your group prob wipe. Tactic:let your tank tank him in middle or anywhere in range of healing but still pretty far away. Comment by Thottbot Have done this instance twice.

First time with a mid's party; we started tanking in the center and kept getting wiped. After a few tries on the advice of guildies we tanked him in the entry hallway so that instead of ducking behind pillars, we could just move around the corner to to outside the room to hide from the arcane explosions. The results were excellent.

To start, everyone had time to get behind something. Using the pillar method odds are your tank will take at least one arcane explosion while running to hide. Figure that is the tank's potion repair; later on in the fight he will not have that option if you got a warlock, get a healthstone for the tank, too. Next, when the King runs to a non-tank who was not near the tank i. If you tank him in the center of the big room there will be periods of time when your tank is not on him because he latched on to someone who hid behind a different pillar than the tank.

Running across the room takes time. Did instance again last night with an essentially all party, tanking in the center of the room. It was a fairly close thing, with 3 of 5 dead at the end and the tank on the last leg.

If you have the option, tank by the door. My recollection is 4 of 5 survived using that method. The precise point for tanking in the hallway does make a difference. Too close to the room doesn't work; I assume too close to the door could be equally bad. Comment by Thottbot where is this instance? Comment by Thottbot anyone know how long it takes to complete sethekk halls without any wipes and with a midish group? Comment by Thottbot You can do a stealth run this boss. Get to the instance, stealth, go to boss.

Kill with pillar method posted earlier. No problem doing this very easy did it lots of times rarely wiped. Got Shoulders Of Assasination in a few runs more than that i play a druid rogue got them also. Bring pots to be surez! Comment by Thottbot so, I went to Sethekk Halls for the first time today. Second boss took us another try. We didn't really know what to expect the first time. Wonderful run, wonderful people who all knew how to play the game and use their character in our advantage.

Comment by Thottbot Okay I have a great story I am a 70 paladin and I ran a party with a 69 dps warrior, 2 70 mages, and a 70 tank warrior I was the main healer That AoE is killer if you can't get out of LoS. It looks like we have no chance I just conserve my mana, use my cooldowns, lay on hands etc. After a while he gets really low and I am amazed that we aren't dead yet. I use my mana potion and just try to take him I thought it was awesome.

Comment by Thottbot Are there only 2 in here? I got the first 2 somewhat easily 70 Paladin, Mage, Warrior, Rogue, and me 68 priest. They just got right next to him and beat him down Our paladin was about to die, then he sheeped him. Also he never blinked from that point on, so I don't know if there is something about range in there. I'm gonna run it again and find out tho :. Comment by Thottbot u can run with with a squad of 's. Comment by Thottbot Anyone know if this can be Stealth ran on Heroic?

Comment by Thottbot very easy boss 1. Notice that he sheeps 2nd dps 3. If anyone knows how I can obtain the last point of exalted, if at all possible, please let me know. Any mob with "Guard" in their name cannot be CC'ed, they are immune. Thankfully, these mobs only come in pairs of two. Unfortunately, they hit harder and faster as the instance progresses. Some groups may find it easier for a mage to kite one, since they can be slowed. Curse of Exhaustion also comes in handy.

If you stack on the birds, they will not charge you. Each charge hits for 2k - 5k, which is crucial for a clothie or a healer that loses casting time. I suggest that you have at least one person in your group that can dispell sheep i. This will be useful for the 2nd boss. CC is crucial in this instance as well, make sure you have at least 2 forms of CC, unless you have a very good Paladin tanking. These mobs will hit a clothie for as much as 9k or higher a hit, so beware of aggro!

Undead mobs spawn a totem that will mind control one of your party members. These totems barely have any life, so kill these immediately and the MC will stop. I will explain this boss later on in the post. Many mobs in this instance chain lightning which results in casting silences, including the first boss, the big blues serpent things, and some other mobs.

If the tank makes sure that the mob is turned away from the group, the chain lightning will not jump person to person, only focus on him. Get these adds down ASAP! They do more damage than the boss himself, and they AOE hardcore. Everyone except the tank should be on these adds. After the adds are dead, resume killing the boss. Repeat for wave number 2. The last wave of adds can be feared while you burn down the boss, so if you have a priest, warlock, or warrior, they can fear the last 4 adds.

Once the boss dies, the adds will despawn. Also, Syth likes to chain lightning, which silences. So beware of where you are standing! Again, if the boss is turned away from you, you will not catch the chain lightning.

When you head upstairs after clearing the room following the first boss, you will notice there are many flocks of non-elites birds in the next few rooms. AOE is quite handy here as well. However, the mobs in both the upstairs room fear so be careful! Mostly only the prophets fear so try to CC them as much as possible, but I've seen the other ones fear as well.

This part of the instance can be very easy with Fear Ward, Tremor Totem, etc. If you don't have any of these useful little items, it's ok! Just make sure you pull the mobs far enough back so that if they do fear, you will not be feared into another mob.

All mobs fear until you reach the second boss, Ikiss. If you have a PVP trinket to remove all movement impairing effects, bring it with you and keep it equipped for the next 2 rooms and the 2nd boss. Second Boss: Ikiss Ikiss is not fun, I think everyone can agree on this. But that doesn't mean he is impossible.

First, I will explain the methods of Ikiss. Come prepared. This is "supposed" to be the person that is second on the aggro charts, but I have seen tanks sheeped as well. This is where it comes in handy to have someone to dispell sheep.

If you do not have someone to dispell sheep, I suggest either an OT or an OH to combat the random sheepage. Also, Ikiss has a tendemcy to sheep someone right before he does his AOE blast. You cannot hide from this AOE, so don't even try. Healthstones, Pots, and Bandages will help the healer out immensely. Statisically, you can actually have too much DPS for Ikiss if the healer cannot keep up with the volleys.

Take your time, his volleys arent based on a timer, but on his health. Unsure how to post? Check out our handy guide! Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Screenshots containing UI elements are generally declined on sight, the same goes for screenshots from the modelviewer or character selection screen. Please review our Screenshot Guidelines before submitting! Simply type the URL of the video in the form below.

It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looter , which collects data as you play the game! It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! New World. More Games Diablo IV. WoW Classic. Overwatch 2. Borderlands 3. Last updated on Jun 10, at by Abide 1 comment. The Sethekk Halls Quests 2. Sethekk Halls Entrance Location 3. Layout of Sethekk Halls 4. Reputation From Sethekk Halls. Notable Sethekk Halls Trash 6. Overview of Sethekk Halls Bosses 7. Recommended Sethekk Halls Group Composition.

The Sethekk Halls Quests. Sethekk Halls Quests. Sethekk Halls Entrance Location. Layout of Sethekk Halls. Normal Difficulty. Heroic Difficulty. Notable Sethekk Halls Trash.

Sethekk Guard. Sethekk Initiate. Avian Darkhawk. Time-Lost Controller. Sethekk Oracle. Sethekk Ravenguard. Cobalt Serpent. Sethekk Prophet. Sethekk Talon Lord. Avian Warhawk. Overview of Sethekk Halls Bosses. Darkweaver Syth. Loot from Normal. Loot from Heroic. Talon King Ikiss. Show more. Need any help? Check out our General Discussion Forum!

Old Hillsbrad Foothills Quests Guide. Sethekk Halls Quests Guide. Mana-Tombs Quests Guide. Bands of Syth. Light-Woven Slippers. Moonstrider Boots. Sky-Hunter Swift Boots. Sethekk Feather-Darts. Libram of the Eternal Rest. Design: Khorium Inferno Band. Blessed Tanzanite. Pristine Fire Opal. Stalwart Fire Opal. Belt of the Raven Lord.

Boots of Righteous Fortitude. Band of Frigid Elements.


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