Where is pushy new vegas

I intended for several of the Unarmed weapons to use ammo, but we encountered some problems with implementing it. Weapons in Fallout: New Vegas. Fan Feed. Universal Conquest Wiki. For an overview of power fist models in the Fallout series of games, see power fist.

Fallout: New Vegas unique weapon Pushy. Unarmed Crit Dmg. Displacer gloves JR Unarmed. Editor ID. Base ID. Pushy Galore User Info: sexxybeast Yeah , she ditches weapons with low hit points. I have to keep on eye on that. I lost dinner bell and the gauss rifle to her last time and couldnt locate them after she ditched them.

When you parted ways, was that part of her quest or just you telling her to get lost? One thing about Veronica that I noticed is that sometimes she will spawn random loot in her inventory, mostly food, when she isn't with the player. Idk if that was the cause or why she doesn't lose armor, but I would like to know if she lost your weapon during her quest or just because you dismissed her.

I gave her a Ballistic Fist and I'd rather not have to get her another one. If she ditches weapons for any reason that's bad, what if I need her to carry some stuff, is she just going to drop the things she doesn't deem worthy? I'm not so certain that's why she lost your guys's weapons, sounds fishy. User Info: Emptysoul. I don't know which side you picked but you can get a similar fist weapon from killing Caesar. Still, I prefer Pushy. My computer consumes my soul.

I slit my wrists and offer control. Pushy can successfully strike about times from full condition before breaking. Ruby Hill Mine - Found on the body of a dead Jackal gang member , lying near the dry tunnel entrance in the underground lake area. Fallout Wiki Explore.

Fallout games. Classic games Fallout Fallout 2 Fallout Tactics. Fallout Atomic Shop Apparel Bundles C. Emotes Icons Photomode S. Skins Styles Utility. Put simply Pushy is the best unarmed weapon in the game.

The only stronger weapon is a Ballistic Fist but that has a ridiculously high strength requirement for very little improvements. Heck Pushy even has a better condition rating, lasting far longer between repairs than the Ballistic Fist.

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